Deal Processor User Manual
Deal-Processor User Manual
rdealproc [tcid [days|mmdd [wdir [script-ext [dummy [port [steer]]]]]]]
edealproc [tcid [days|mmdd [wdir [script-ext [dummy [port [steer]]]]]]]
The parameters for DealProc are as follows:
tcid a sequence of four alpha-numeric characters that uniquely identify this instance of DealProc. This sequence should correspond to the TCID of the interface whose stored deals are being processed.
days|mmdd the number of days to look into the past, in the deal store, for deals. If the requirement is to load a complete .dls file of deals then this argument should contain the full 2-digit month and 2-digit day designator for the .dls file to be loaded (e.g. January 31st would be 0131). If the mmdd form is used, DealProc will exit after the specified .dls file has been completely processed.
wdir the path to the directory containing the corresponding Softek interface’s “.dls” files.
script-ext a different script file is executed for each different deal type read from the deal store. The root name of the executed script file depends on the server and deal type that has just been received, e.g. dofx for Reuters FX deals, doswap for Reuters swap deals, fxebs for EBS FX deals, etc. The script-file filename extension that is used for the current interface session may be changed. For example, an argument of xxx, will cause script files,, etc. to be used when Reuters deals are read.
dummy this parameter is unused, it is present for backwards compatibility purposes and may be set to any value.
port designates the TCP-IP base port number to use for status and data. Two numbers (port and port +1) are used. Port number port is used for TCP-IP control and port number port+1 is used for TCP-IP data (deal records). Operating systems that have a "services" file may use a port name which will automatically be mapped to the designated port number.
steer this optional parameter designates a filename (in the optional sequence directory) containing whitespace separated numbers that represent the ticket number to be loaded from the dealstore. Once all the deals referenced in this file have all been processed, DealProc will exit. Please note: The order of ticket numbers in this file is taken literally. No sorting or duplicate-removal is performed. Certain data transformation operations e.g. notfirstmatch may require all deals of a group to be loaded in order to function correctly.
Critical Messages are delivered by a “system” command which is driven by the environment variable MRG_ECMD. The shell command specified in this variable is executed with a minimum granularity of 10 minutes and is passed any critical messages issued since the last time the command was executed. Unsent critical messages are stored in the file
setenv MRG_ECMD “(uniq -6 | cat > /dev/console)”
Each line in the
To prevent short-term error conditions from producing “orphaned notifications” a 45 second delay is implemented for new batches of error notifications.
The default behaviour for certain interface functions may be modified by the use of “environment variables”. These variables must be set prior to the interface execution (usually in a “shell” or “batch” file). Command parameters take precendence over equivalent environment variables. The environment variables, used by the interface, all start with “DL_” and are as follows:
DL_ECMD The command to be used to process critical (information and error) messages (including all arguments to run the command) is taken from this variable. The command must take its input from the “standard input” stream.
DL_WDIR The equivalent Softek interface “.dls” directory.
DL_LOGDIR The directory where transitory work files will be stored. Both critical messages and conversation details (Reuters only) make a temporary appearance in this directory.
DL_MSGDIR The directory where transitory work files will be stored. Both critical messages and conversation details (Reuters only) make a temporary appearance in this directory.
DL_SEQDIR The directory where transitory work files will be stored. Both critical messages and conversation details (Reuters only) make a temporary appearance in this directory.
DL_DAYS The number of days into the past from which this deal processor will serve deals. As with the days|mmdd program argument, the value of this variable may be used to represent a 4-character mmdd month-day designator that is used to identify a .dls file from which all deals will be processed.
DL_STEER References a file in the sequence directory that contains specific whitespace-separated deal ticket numbers to be processed. After processing these deals, DealProc exits.
A logfile named
If DealProc is left running overnight, a new logfile is automatically created as soon as necessary after midnight.
The file dealproc [Tue Nov 14 19:03:06 1995] Expected end of deal 3002, got start of deal 3003 #90501
For Example:
q or Q quit the program gracefully
eof DealProc enters Daemon Mode (see above).
On UNIX operating systems, the program catches SIGINT, SIGHUP, and SIGTERM. When one of these signals is detected, the program exits cleanly, closing sockets and writing shutdown information to the logfile. A Critical Message is also generated. On MacOS, only SIGINT is caught, causing clean program termination. Under MSWindows, both SIGINT and SIGTERM receive this treatment.
On UNIX operating systems, SIGPIPE is caught and its passage is noted in the logfile.