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Systems-Integration And Middleware Products

Who we are

For more than two decades, Softek Partners has been a leading provider of middleware and integration solutions for trading systems in financial services. We enable accurate and fast data transfer, protocol translation and bespoke business logic as defined by our clients. Based on their precision and latency profiles, our products are now a permanent part of our clients’ technology stacks.

What we do

Our products have been used by firms running data- and trading-systems from Reuters, Bloomberg, ICAP, SMBS, KMBC, etc. Our middleware handles messages in multiple formats and transports, including provider- and exchange-specific protocols, FIX, MQ, TCP-IP, TOF, and more. We support trading systems for all asset classes, e.g. equities, foreign exchange, commodities and fixed income. Softek’s product library also includes connectors for legacy systems. These connectors are often used to guarantee seamless migrations to new systems without downtime.

How we do it

At the center of our business is a modeling process that uses a proprietary artificial intelligence engine, the “Induction System”. The AI engine uses example messages or specifications to extract the underlying workflow rules. After confirmation of the model’s accuracy, the Induction System autogenerates code in C, C++, Java, Swift or even Cobol. Other languages can be supported by request. It also generates formatted documentation in natural language.

The Induction System and the underlying method can also be applied to other business areas, not related to securities trading. Click here to see how we saved one client $20 million by analyzing a multi-volume legal contract and providing options or how we solved an engineering challenge related to the flight behavior of an aircraft.

Contact us to talk about how we can help your company.

What our customers say

ABN Amro

Jane Doe, ABN

"Awesome technology, great service! Working with Softek was our best decision like ever."

National Bank of Kuwait

Joe Doe, NBK

"Wonderful, the best. Simply great"